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MIT Spring Course by Frank

Workshop in Color Perception Technology.

This class is an interactive workshop focused on collaborative project design and creation, exploring ways to use technology to enhance visualization in a variety of open-ended projects.

In the development of projects, the Color Perception class will be exploring Python and Arduinos, and will also use the Sprint to drive the collaborative brainstorming for the projects.

This is listed as a physics course, but only basic physical concepts related to animal vision will be introduced. The primary focus of the course is the hands-on project design and creation.

This semester the MIT Color Perception class collaborated with Boston-based composer and synesthete Mary Bichner, who shared her personal experiences with multi-sensory perception with the class. Her ability to associate color and pitch provided inspiration for a project which could be expanded to real-time color visualizations of her compositions as she sees them, creating a visual and aural environment for an audience to experience music the way she does.


College of Liberal Arts & Science

Arizona State University, Goldwater Building

650 E. Tyler Mall, RM 516 Tempe AZ 85287

© 2017 Frank Wilczek, All Rights Reserved

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