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Wilczek at ASU

Frank Wilczek is a Distinguished Professor in Physics at Arizona State University. He has visited Tempe regularly for several years, and now spends the months of February and March there. He gives a series of seminars connected to his current work, and interacts with faculty members, students, and the public.

Frank Wilczek and Prof. Nathan Newman are co directors of the new initiative called "SciHub". SciHub brings individuals and teams from many disciplines together to work in an integrated research, teaching, outreach and product-development laboratory that gathers faculty, staff and students, as well as local teachers, scientists, engineers, medical professionals, product developers, designers, museum conservators and artists. SciHub’s centerpiece is an innovation space on the ASU Tempe campus, modeled in the style of a generator lab, where locally inspired ideas can undergo a systematic process for development into final products.

You can read more about SciHub here.

Frank Wilczek and Prof. Nathan Newman offer the ASU Spring Course, a Workshop in Perception Technology every year in February.

A Brief description: After a review of basic theory around (mainly) color perception in humans and throughout the animal world, the course will focus on design and hands-on construction of software and hardware to explore and expand (mainly) visual perception. Students will create meaningful Python- and Arduino-based projects around these themes. “Packaged” projects introduce additional (hyperspectral and extra-spectral) information channels into images, create interesting visual environments, and explore synesthesia, color blindness, and tetrachromacy.

Then, following a disciplined brainstorm (“Sprint”), the class will suggest and develop new projects.

Enrollment will be limited to twenty students, to allow intense interaction and small team collaboration.

Frank recommends the following books for his course on color perception. All 3 are “optional”.

Arduino Workshop - Boxall (no starch press) Python Crash Course - Matthes (no starch press) Sprint - Knapp (Simon & Schuster)

College of Liberal Arts & Science

Arizona State University, Goldwater Building

650 E. Tyler Mall, RM 516 Tempe AZ 85287

© 2017 Frank Wilczek, All Rights Reserved

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